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Everything below is made in Walkersville, Maryland and shared with us on Instagram and Facebook as #madeinwalkersville.

Submitting Photos

You may submit your photos for #madeinwalkersville to be added to this page. You do not need to be a member of the WBPA or a recognized business within Walkersville to take a photo and share it with us.

Ways to submit:
– On Instagram, tag us (@walkersvillebusiness) and add the hashtag #madeinwalkersville to your photo.
– Send your photo to [email protected]. Include the business as the source of the photo and your name or social media handle for credit in taking the photo. We only accept JPG and PNG formats. 

We do have some guidelines though:
– Businesses are capped to a maximum of 10 images to be featured on our site. We would like a variety of images rather than multiple images from one business.
– Absolutely no NSFW material. (nude photos, profanity, or otherwise hurtful images)
– Business in photo needs to be physically located within the Walkersville, Woodsboro or Glade Valley area.
– If the photo is not yours, you need to have permission to share the photo.
– We will use your Instagram or Facebook username as the source of the photo. (You may decline if you want)
– We will use the social media or website of the business as the source of the item in the photo.
– No political images. We’re a politically neutral organization.

* All photos on our website are moderated and posted at our discretion. We may reject photos for reasons not specified within our guidelines. 


Photo Removal

If there is a photo you want removed from our site, please email [email protected] and asked for the photo to be removed.